
Webinar Topic:

Understanding UWB Technology and Applied Applications and Emerging Use Cases

Wednesday, December 13, 2023 @ 11:00am EST / 17:00 CET

IWPC webinars are interactive and attendance is limited. We receive overwhelming interest for these and IWPC members will receive priority. Please note that hosting webinars is a free member service which is a very good value as hosting webinars on other services can easily exceed the cost of an IWPC annual membership.

Gain technical insight into how UWB works, standardization efforts and emerging developments. Exploring Ultra-Wideband (UWB) solutions including modules and development kits that enables the development of applications, including device tracking, real-time locating systems and access control for consumer and industrial settings. Detailing Time-of-Flight and Angle-of-Arrival measurements to determine relative positions in three dimensions with a high degree of accuracy. Investigating UWB advanced antenna design which enables the full UWB solution into mobile and IoT devices. Discussion of game-changing potential of Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology and computer vision in transforming numerous industries including warehouse logistics and retail. Discuss real-world demo’s and use cases and how the technology is being applied in actual business environments. Applying software, AI, and end-to-end system development considerations.

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