
5G Network Architecture and User Equipment Evolution

October 29-31, 2024, Austin, Texas, USA

Exploring Open Fronthaul Issues for Passive and Massive MIMO Radios, Service Management and Orchestration (SMO) and RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) Use Cases. Assessing Network Architecture Evolution to Support New Verticals, 5G Network Sharing and Spectrum Sharing Solutions. Considering Cloud RAN Implementation, Network Energy Savings and th Application of AI/ML to RAN Problems. Assessing the Impact of 5G Advanced and beyond 5G on User Equipment; Use Cases, Technology Enablers and New Verticals Beyond Smartphones. RedCap Use Cases, Low Cost 5G Devices and IoT, Fixed Wireless Challenges and Mitigation plans, Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN)/Device-to-Cellular (D2C) Device-to-Device (D2D) Innovation, Use Cases, Opportunities, Technical Challenges and Advancement.

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